Membership in AVSI is available at three levels:
Full Members
- Full members pay an annual subscription fee (currently $25,000) that grants full participation in all activities of the cooperative.
- Full members have voting representation on the Executive Board and its committees.
- Full members can initiate projects.
Associate Members
- Associate members participate on a project-by-project basis.
- Associate members have limited standing on the Executive Board and do not have voting representation.
- Rather than pay the annual subscription fee, associate members pay a per-project surcharge (currently $7,500).
Liaison Members
- Liaison membership is open only to government and non-profit organizations at the invitation and approval of the Executive Board.
- Liaison members may provide input to the Executive Board and committees, but do not vote on Cooperative business.
- Liaison members can recommend and participate on projects.
- Liaison members do not pay the annual subscription fee, but rather pay a per-project surcharge (currently $7,500), not to exceed the amount of full membership ($25,000) during any fiscal year (Sept 1 – Aug 31).
NOTE: All participants must agree to the terms in the AVSI Cooperative Agreement as a condition of their membership. In some cases, Liaison members participate under an equivalent Memorandum of Agreement.