AVSI has provided a structure for the aerospace industry to solve problems since 1999.
Research has produced valuable information in determining effects of Pb free solder, COTS components, semiconductor wear out and radiation effects on system reliability resulting in a failure rate model based on both random failure rate and physics of failure models.
The System Architecture Virtual Integration (SAVI) Program developed a means to manage complexity, reduce cost and time to market by establishing the tools, standards, and processes necessary to affect a virtual systems integration process that supports predictive modeling and analysis across a distributed, heterogeneous set of development domains and environments.
The Wireless Avionics Intra-Communication (WAIC) project provided ITU-R with working papers that formed the basis for a WRC-15 agenda item to secure a specific spectrum allocation that satisfies the needs of WAIC systems. Project participants engaged the appropriate ITU-R working parties and study groups to assure broad support for the agenda item at WRC-15.
Other AVSI research solved issues in areas of energy harvesting, flammability assurance, advanced guidance and control, micro electro-optical sensors, certification of embedded object oriented software, rapid prototyping for flight deck display, and systems engineering and information management.