New materials are being developed to improve the safety and efficiency of aerospace vehicles. From investigations into the reliability of lead-free materials in avionics to the development of test protocols for qualifying shape memory alloys, AVSI has pursued research enabling the incorporation of these materials into certifiable aero systems. Building on the expertise of the Center for Intelligent Multifunctional Materials and Structures (CiMMS) at the Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station and AVSI subject matter experts, AVSI materials-related projects are contributing to the understanding of how the latest advances in materials can be safely incorporated in aerospace systems.
New Materials for Aerospace Systems
This is a follow-on project to the AFE 77 series. The project will be structured like its predecessor and similarly work with ASTM to develop...
This project initiated an overall effort toward the technical development and eventual public release of standardized test methods for Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) materials and...